Friday, January 16, 2009

another visit to river road

I went for a visit to River road yesterday. It was probably the coldest day of the year, so far. I had a feeling there might be some ice on the river and I was right. I went to Kacie's rock and as you can see in the picture her initials just pop out before the ice. I thought it made a beautiful picture. In the last picture I am standing farther away. The small rock out on the left hand side is the rock where Kacie's initials are. If you notice in between all the rocks there is a circle in the ice in the water. It seems to have built some kind of barrier and all the water that is flowing down from the river goes into that circle and goes round and round in circular motion. I thought that was interesting because the river was not doing that before in that spot. I don't know if it has to do with the ice or the levels of the river. But it was nice to go visit. I didn't stay too long since it was so freezing but I thought I would share the photos with all of you. 
Love, Natalie


Rissy said...

the pictures are beautiful, natalie. it must have been so cold! You're a real trooper to have gone out there that day. It's great to know that her initials are still visible.

Jeff said...

Thanks for the pics Natalie. I have been thinking about her a lot lately and I wish I had a spot close by to visit. It will be really nice for me to come back to Baltimore when I get the chance to visit.

Gary New said...

I think about Kacie's river rock and the jetty all the time. I will always visit both places when I'm in the area. It's amazing to see another circle.

Nancy and I have been thinking about visiting Jeff in Germany this summer. If that's not possible, we will go to Ocean City to visit the jetty. Nancy feels that she will be close to Kacie there. After seeing these two circles, I'm starting to agree.

Whenever we can get back to Ocean City, it would be great if we can get together with you and Jeff and friends there for a weekend.

Natalie said...

I would love to go to Germany and visit with Jeff too. I actually have a lot of family in Germany that live within 2 hours of where Jeff will be stationed. Maybe we could all go together sometime in the future. He will be there for a few years.
Jeff, Are you already there? Or didn't you say you were going in March?

Gary and Nancy,
Refresh my memory on the other story involving a circle.

miss you guys. talk to you soon.

Nancy said...


The pictures are great. Im so glad you have a place nearby to visit her. The way her initials standout is beautiful. The circle is amazing.
Remember Jeff's recent experience in OC on the jetty. The picture he posted. When he started talking to Kac, a perfect circle broke through the clouds and the sun came out.
That would be great to go together to see Jeff. We are hoping
things will work out so we can.

Hope you are doing better. Nat.

We think about all you guys often.

Jeff said...

Natalie, I am leaving tomorrow the 20th and it will be the 21st when I get there. Today I am doing some last minute things to make sure everything is in order and I can ship my car safely tomorrow.