Saturday, February 21, 2009

1 year anniversary approaching...

I wish that we could all come together and do something special for Kacie this March.... but we are too spread out. Maybe we could all do something together somehow... like all planting something that day... anyone else got any other ideas? Amanda and I had been talking about getting together to do something either on River road (she has not been there yet) or going to Ocean City. Everyone else is of course welcome to come. Hopefully, the weather will be nice and maybe we could go to the jetty. Does anyone else have any ideas?
March 11th falls on a Wednesday. We could go to OC the weekend before or after.... since it might be hard to get off work? let me know what you all think. If we go to Ocean City we could get on the live cam with Gary and Nancy like we did last time.

Miss you Kacie!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Kacie Speaks From The Past

This evening I was playing with my cell phone and got into my text message inbox. The following message from Kacie popped up.

Ew this is so sick. i cant eat here. barf

It was sent on 9/08/07 at 4:27 pm.

Monday, February 16, 2009


I loved how she called rabbits "hoppers." There was a rabbit outside in the snow when I woke up this morning and made me think of that. Didn't she have rabbits growing up? I think I remember her telling me about one named thumper.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Brown Eyes Dream

I had this dream early this morning.

Nancy and I had two young daughters and we were taking a walk with them on a beautiful sunny day. They appeared to be about two and maybe ten. I was looking at them and suddenly realized that they looked exactly as Kacie did at their ages. I then remarked that Kacie had blue eyes and the youngest one corrected me and said that they were brown. Nancy then said "don't you remember how she looked in the hospital? "

Thursday, February 12, 2009

ocean city dream

i had a dream last night that i was visiting ocean city. I was at a resturaunt. i was sitting at a table with 3 other people. i dont know who they were. at a table across from me was my boss from work and her family. my boss' family owned the resturaunt. i remember looking out the window and being able to see the ocean. then i ordered an italian soda. which i have never had in real life but kacie always told me she really liked them. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


We miss you sweetheart.

Love always,
Mom and Dad

Monday, February 9, 2009

deep sea creature dreams...

In the past week I have had two separate dreams involving sharks and dolphins. The first dream I had was me "playing" with a shark. Yes, thats right, "playing" with a shark. ... like it was a dog. I was in a tank playing fetch with a shark and then play swimming and it would follow me. I remember seeing the mouth and teeth of the shark vividly.... and it was almost as if the shark was smiling.... it was quite strange. I have been working at this house on Gibson Island painting for the last month or so and the house is right on the bay with amazing views. I had a dream the other night that I was working at this house and the water came right up to the windows. I looked out the window and there were 4 dolphins swimming in the water. I was so tickled. I opened the window and started calling to them making high pitch noises like they do. The dolphins heard me. They pulled there heads out of the water and started calling back to me. We continued to do this for a while. 
I am not sure what the meaning is behind these dreams? Kacie did love the sea... but not sharks.... and she never really mentioned anything about dolphins. Maybe I was supposed to be a marine biologist? 

Chapter 6

Hi, this is Gary.

This is an interesting chapter because we see the two opposing sides clearly defined. The socialists are clearly in the majority as they are now in our country. Henry, Dagny, and Frisco appear to be somewhat adversarial but that will change.

Are people like the three mentioned above really a threat to the welfare of society? Or is socialism a greater threat?

John Galt is identified in this chapter.

Read on. The pace quickens.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Return of the Book Club

Kacie's Book Club is back. Please visit the site for exciting and brilliant summations of each chapter on a weekly basis.