Monday, February 16, 2009


I loved how she called rabbits "hoppers." There was a rabbit outside in the snow when I woke up this morning and made me think of that. Didn't she have rabbits growing up? I think I remember her telling me about one named thumper.


Gary New said...

Thumper was a Holland Lop. It had really long ears. We had this pet at our home in Woodbine. When Kacie got older she wasn't giving Thumper much attention so we all agreed to give him to a local family with a couple of kids.

Prior to this, she had a little whie rabbit with pink eyes at our home in Eldersburg.

Anonymous said...

Man do I have a funny story about hoppers... When kacie and I first lived together we both had cats. She had baby margo and I had lola aka dinosouar tail. We lived in a very small apt and our cats didn't get along too well. There is a pet store up on Frederick rd right at the corner of paradise. Right near mini actually... Anyway... We would sometimes go in there and look around when we were bored. They had a bunch of bunnies in there one time. Kacie begged me to let herget a hopper. I ofciurse said noo way and told her she was crazy. Shesaid we could take it on walks andjust let it roam our apt. I think our cats would have killed the thing.

Rissy said...

she always used to make fun of the rabbit I had. Not mean fun, just always joking about "the hopper."