Saturday, May 16, 2009


put this up for some smiles....this is my puppy eva. she is filthy from playing in the mud at the dog park. I wish Kacie could have met her. I know how much she loved puppies and animals in general.


Gary New said...

A very interesting dog, but how did you get him to stand still while you applied the eye liner?

Jeff said...

I know Kacie would have loved her. I can just hear her cartoonish voice she used to do when she was around animals. I loved how she always said "Hey Mister!" when she was around Boris and Royal. Boris would completely freak out for her when she got home.

Natalie said...

Yes I remember the cartoon voices too. When we lived together in Meadow Lane and she had Margo, I use to call her Elmira from Tiny Toones. i dont know if any of your remember that character. But she was known to love animals and run and squeeze them and got so excited. Margo wasn't exactly the cuddling kind so she would always run from her or growl when she would hug her. Kacie would just laugh when Margo would growl and continue to hug her and talk in her high pitch voice. Haha It was a riot

Nancy said...

thanks for showing us eva. How did ya come up with the name. does it have special meaning? you two will have so much fun together. Enjoy.
Kacie would have loved her!!