Sunday, May 10, 2009

One more....

This is one of my favorite pictures of her. The picture is in front of her apartment was when it first snowed after she moved back to Maryland.


Nancy said...

thanks jeff,

what great pictures. you made my day!

Mama New

Natalie said...

love it. i remember that jacket. she loved it. kacie was one for never giving any of her clothes away. she was a little bit of a pack rat, like myself. However.. I dont remember seeing this jacket after a few years... maybe she lost it.

Rissy said...

That's Chatham right? Did I ever tell you guys about the first time I went to her apartment. I was with Mandy Maurer (the friend who introduced us at Roots), and I hardly knew Kacie...and definitely didn't know her last name. Apparently Mandy didn't know it either, and we just kept staring at the little name buzzers and looking at the number she gave us thinking "That can't be her...there is no way her last name is 'New'!"

Jeff said...

Yeah that is Chatham.

Speaking of her having a lot of clothes. Our closet in Texas wasn't very big but to say the least, we could only fit her clothes in it. I had to keep my stuff in the spare room's closet. Her clothes were stacked to the ceiling in there.