Saturday, January 30, 2010

new dream

I had a new dream about Kacie recently. I don't remember a lot of details. Kacie was about middle school age. She had about shoulder length hair... she was wearing an outfit that looked like something she would have worn then. We were walking down the sidewalk of Old Frederick Rd. in Catonsville.... Near where Mimi is staying... past Paradise Ave. All I really remember is her and I laughing walking down the sidewalk. I remember Kacie walking down the edge of the curb like a balance beam. It was a dream that was actually "through my eyes." I never saw myself in the dream I was just looking at Kacie and talking with her. I can't remember any dialog unfortunately.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

One Of Our Favorite Pictures

Blessed with my good looks at an early age!

One Of Her Favorite Places

We took Kacie here many times during her childhood and this card was with her at the hospital.

Kacie's Tapestry

Kacie liked this piece of material because of the color and also the unusual design. Nancy believes that Kacie used this pattern for her wedding -on an invitation, decoration or something.
Does anyone remember this?

A Little Red Book

This book was given to Kacie by Jeanine as a high school graduation gift. It has several pencil sketches in it that were apparently done by someone named Tess.

Kacie's Education

Kacie At Sunset On Grand Cayman Island

A Picture In Our Hallway

Sunday, January 17, 2010


A great boat with a great name.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Car Tooth Dream

I had this classic Kacie dream last night.

Nancy, Kacie and I were living in Mimi's house in Westview and Kacie looked just like she did the last evening that we spent with her. It was early one morning and we were very excited because I was about to start classes at UMBC and Kacie was going to attend another college in the area. I asked Kacie to drop me off at school and she agreed. Kacie was driving a very old Toyota and it had a stick shift. I was sitting in the back seat and Kacie was having a real difficult time shifting gears. Each time she shifted, we bounced up and down and laughed. Suddenly, she shifted gears and I lunged forward and my face struck the back of the seat in front of me. I told Kacie to take it easy because I had just struck my mouth. In typical Kacie fashion, she just looked at me and said "what color is your car tooth?" I told her that I believed that it was still white and then we pulled up to the campus and she let me out. She talked and laughed during the entire dream but I can only remember her question.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Valentino and his pugs

this weekend i watched a documentary on Valentino a famous italian fashion designer, whom owns 5 pugs who live the complete life of luxury. The picture on top is all of them riding on Valentino's private jet. Kacie would have loved it. Aren't they cute?

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Two Babies That Grew Into Real Characters

Kacie's Hair

Still fresh and beautiful!

A Scrap of Paper

Beebs recently found this in Kacie's coat pocket. Does anyone know what it means?

Friday, January 1, 2010

Ashley's Wedding

Hey everyone!! Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. My new job is going really well and keeps me pretty busy. I hope everyone had a great New Year's Eve!!

My dad was going through some photos he had and found this one. It's Kacie and I at our friend Ashly's wedding. For the longest time I thought the original was lost, because the only copy I had was one of just me that I had cropped for facebook. I must have given my dad a copy of the original because it was such a nice picture of me and Kacie. He just scanned it and sent it to me a moment ago. So happy to have it again!!