Friday, January 1, 2010

Ashley's Wedding

Hey everyone!! Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. My new job is going really well and keeps me pretty busy. I hope everyone had a great New Year's Eve!!

My dad was going through some photos he had and found this one. It's Kacie and I at our friend Ashly's wedding. For the longest time I thought the original was lost, because the only copy I had was one of just me that I had cropped for facebook. I must have given my dad a copy of the original because it was such a nice picture of me and Kacie. He just scanned it and sent it to me a moment ago. So happy to have it again!!


Natalie said...

such a cute picture... larissa you look like a baby. Kacie looks really nice... the lady in red look. glad you were able to find the original. was that the friend from medieval times? (ps like how i spelled that?)

Rissy said...

Yeah, Ashley worked at MT with us. The wedding was a teenage, interracial, mormon, shotgun Kacie was pretty excited about it...I mean, how many times to you go to a wedding like that??

Nancy said...

Thanks for posting this. Her favorite color for sure.