Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Car Tooth Dream

I had this classic Kacie dream last night.

Nancy, Kacie and I were living in Mimi's house in Westview and Kacie looked just like she did the last evening that we spent with her. It was early one morning and we were very excited because I was about to start classes at UMBC and Kacie was going to attend another college in the area. I asked Kacie to drop me off at school and she agreed. Kacie was driving a very old Toyota and it had a stick shift. I was sitting in the back seat and Kacie was having a real difficult time shifting gears. Each time she shifted, we bounced up and down and laughed. Suddenly, she shifted gears and I lunged forward and my face struck the back of the seat in front of me. I told Kacie to take it easy because I had just struck my mouth. In typical Kacie fashion, she just looked at me and said "what color is your car tooth?" I told her that I believed that it was still white and then we pulled up to the campus and she let me out. She talked and laughed during the entire dream but I can only remember her question.


Natalie said...

its good that you were able to spend some time laughing and having fun with her. sounds just like her.

Nancy said...

Great dream, Gary. This is one of the few dreams you've had of Kacie as an adult. It so good you had a happy dream of her. I bope I will have a dream of her soon.