Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Nice Way To Remember Her After Two Years


Natalie said...

wow gary how peaceful and beautiful. i wish i lived that close to a beach. i am planning on going to river road tomorrow and take Eva, my dog for a walk. I went and saw Mimi today. She seems to actually be really happy there. At first she didn't recognize me. I haven't been to visit her in a while. You will never believe what she was doing when I walked in. She was in the activitity room playing video games, Wii Bowling to be exact. I came in and looked around for her and there she was with the Wii Controller in her hand playing bowling with some other friends. I thought that was so cool that they are teaching them to play that. After we talked for a minute there we went back to her room and talked for a while. Her memory was a little bit off when we talked about some things but she kept saying how much she liked it there and how nice it was to see me. I was glad I went. And I brought her a huge Big gulp coke from 711. She was talking about how much coke it was. I said well if its too much you don't have to drink it all and she was like "Oh no, you put a coke in my hands and I will drink the whole thing. No matter what." So anyway, she seemed to be in really good spirits. She also talked about how grateful she was to have a daughter in law like Nancy and that Gary was so lucky to have found a wife as wonderful as her. I will take some pictures from tomorrow and post them. Talk to everyone soon.

Nancy said...

Thanks a million times for the visit to Mimi. We would really like to see some pictures from River Road.