Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thanks For The Flowers


Nancy said...

Dear Jeff, Natalie, Larissa, Amanda and Vince,

It was a depressing, rainy day here on Hilton Head today, and it really brightened my day when I heard the doorbell ring with the delivery of your packages. The daffodils and lillies are just beautiful. I can't wait to see the daffodils bloom! I'll post a picture when they do and then I hope to store them to plant again in the fall. Thank you guys for everything you have done for us over the past two years.
I'm so glad to see everyone is doing so much better. Your kindness has meant so much to us,
and has really helped us get through this sad time.

Rissy said...

It was a fairly gloomy day here too...fitting I suppose. I'm so glad you enjoyed the flowers and that they brought a little brightness to your day, Nancy!

Natalie said...

Glad you got them okay. I thought it would be special to watch the daffodils grow :) I am not very good with keeping plants healthy so maybe you can give me a few pointers :)

amanda said...

Oh yay, Im so glad they got there alright. I think we all could have used a little extra spring time yesterday. It was very dreary up north too. Bulbs are the best because the keep growing for years. My tulips just sprouted for the third year!

Nancy said...

Were going to be posting a few more pictures of you guys, but we've been searching, searching for pictures of Kacie and Larissa and Vince, but cant seem to find them. You all were such a big part of her life, so to let you know were thinking of you even if you don't see your picture.

Rissy said...

I know that a lot of pictures of Kacie and I were on my old computer that crashed. I lost a ton and it was extremely upsetting. But it just means that the ones I still have are all the more special.