Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Is This Really Kacie????!!!!!!!!

Nancy found this picture on Bean Hollow's web page. Please visit their website and take a look. This girl has Kacie's hands, nose and eyebrows.


Natalie said...

Wow that does look like her. Is that her engagement ring? Maybe jeff can confirm that.

Jeff said...

That definitely isn't her engagement ring but this really does look like her. I will post pictures of her rings soon and see what you guys think.

Natalie said...

i sent an email to the website that had the photo. but i haven't heard back. this picture was actually on a pottery site that provides the mugs and things to bean hollow. really looks like her.

Nancy said...

I sure hope we hear something back on this. They might not know though. This would be quite a find if it really were her. Can't wait to hear.

Natalie said...

hi all,
well i recieved an email back from the lady- who was very kind and helpful. she sent me all the other pictures she took of the same girl and it is not kacie. close up and cropped it looks like it could have been her but the other photos are very obvious it is not her. sorry to be a disappointment. If anyone wants to see the email I can forward them to you. Let me know.
Enjoy your sandy pina coladas. I have stocked up on candles, kit kat bars and wine... sounds like a great survival kit huh? haha.

Nancy said...

I could have sworn that was Kacie... even her expression reminded me of her. Thanks for solving the mystery. It would be interesting to see the e-mail, when you have time.
Hope you weather the storm okay and enjoy your survival kit.

Thanks again, Natalie, for checking into the Kacie look alike.