Sunday, November 30, 2008

Recurring Dream

I've had the same dream several times in the last month.

In my dream, I take a drink of wine and suddenly recall that I vowed that I would never drink alcohol again in Kacie's memory. It really bothers my conscience and I start to feel sick and wake up.

It's been two months since I've had a drink and I have no desire to.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Rock Photos

It was so great to see everyone today! I'm glad that we could all share the River Road walk and add a new place to the list of "Kacie Spots."

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

i miss you everyday.

i really do. I love you so much. You will never be replaced. ever.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Another dream

I had a really strange dream the other night. Most of my dreams are pretty weird. I guess they suit me. Anyway, I remember the dream starting with Kacie and I flying in a small Cessna plane that I was flying. We flew all the way overseas to the Netherlands. Kacie and I were walking around some mall type place and I remember Kacie and I eating lunch somewhere with some older man I don't know. Then the whole dream just went south from there. I don't know if Kacie and I had split up to go shopping there or what but all I remember is panicking that I had lost her. I was circling around the shopping center looking for her and then I woke up for work.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

a wonderful dream.

Early this morning I had an amazing Kacie dream. It was soooo real. I was meeting Kacie in a hotel lobby for some reason. I remember walking in and immediatley hugging her and not letting go. This has been a repeated thing in my last couple dreams with Kacie. I was hugging her and she was just acting very casual. She told me she liked my haircut. And she acted like she didn't know why I wouldn't stop hugging her. We talked about some other things. I dont remember what but I remember her voice sounding exactly like Kacie's. It was incredible. Then we stopped hugging and were sitting down at a table about to order lunch. We were sitting with an older gentleman (who I think was supposed to be a man I work with in real life). Kacie was making fun of him and called him Mr. Rodgers in her sarcastic tone. I started to laugh and then I woke up. It made me really upset when I woke up because I tried to imagine her voice again in my head. I really really miss you Kacie. I wish you visited me in my dreams every night. 

Thursday, November 13, 2008

gobble gobble

remember the turkey kacie won at martin's? i am pretty sure when she moved to mimi's from sykesville she brought it with her. either that or she abandoned it in the sykesville apt fridge. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


We miss you Kacie.

Mom and Dad

Saturday, November 8, 2008

The DVD Recorder

I had this short dream last night. I was holding a small electrical device and Kacie, appearing as an adult, told me that it recorded dvds. She then showed me how to connect a vhs player to it to get a recording and I woke up.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Two Dreams In One Night

Two nights ago, I dreamed that I walked into a beautiful white room. There was a bed in the middle of it and Kacie was sitting on the bed. She looked around six years old. The room was beautifully furnished with shelving on the wall holding all sorts of colorful items. For some reason I started singing some sort of silly song that a young child might sing. I had never heard this song before and made it up as I went along. I then started walking toward the door and noticed a piece of paper hung on the wall. Written on it were the lyrics to the song that I had just sung.

Later in the night, I dreamed that Kacie and I were standing at the top of the huge concrete dam at Liberty Reservoir. She was again about six years old. I made a long cast with my fishing rod into the lake below and hooked a huge fish. It jumped once and I lost it.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

cat power/ david bowie

As all of you may know Cat Power was one of Kacie's favorite bands. Has anyone seen the new Lincoln car commercial? It is Cat Power aka Chan Marshall doing a cover of "Space Oddity" by David Bowie. Kacie also loved a lot of David Bowie's music as well. Whenever I listen to Cat Power I think of Kacie. She was the one who introduced me to it and took me to a concert of hers at the 9:30 club in Washington D.C. Larissa was there as well.

Check out this link if you want to see the commercial:

I am sorry if I am repeating this.. I write so much on the blog and talk to people... so I am not sure. Kacie loved the song "Sea of Love" by Cat Power. (Check out the video above to hear the song. I don't know who made this video. It is not cat powere just some dork on the internet. But I posted it so you could hear the song) She wanted this song to be her wedding first dance song. But ended up picking "Our Love is here to Stay" by Ella Fitzgerald. Here are the lyrics to Sea of Love:

Come with me
My Love
To the sea
The sea of Love

I want to tell you
how much
I love you

Do you remember
When we met
That's the day
I knew you were my pet

I wanna tell you
how much
I love you


This was Kacie's favorite mascara. It was a two step mascara that she loved to layer and layer on. I think you all are probably familiar with the face Kacie made while putting on make up. I remember Vince and I making fun of her for that face. Vince if you get a chance you should post the picture of her putting on makeup.