Saturday, November 15, 2008

a wonderful dream.

Early this morning I had an amazing Kacie dream. It was soooo real. I was meeting Kacie in a hotel lobby for some reason. I remember walking in and immediatley hugging her and not letting go. This has been a repeated thing in my last couple dreams with Kacie. I was hugging her and she was just acting very casual. She told me she liked my haircut. And she acted like she didn't know why I wouldn't stop hugging her. We talked about some other things. I dont remember what but I remember her voice sounding exactly like Kacie's. It was incredible. Then we stopped hugging and were sitting down at a table about to order lunch. We were sitting with an older gentleman (who I think was supposed to be a man I work with in real life). Kacie was making fun of him and called him Mr. Rodgers in her sarcastic tone. I started to laugh and then I woke up. It made me really upset when I woke up because I tried to imagine her voice again in my head. I really really miss you Kacie. I wish you visited me in my dreams every night. 


Nancy said...

So glad you had another dream of Kacie. thats great you remembered so much and that you heard her voice. Hope you have many more.

Jeff said...

I can't forget her voice. Everything I do, I imagine Kacie talking to me....mostly making fun of me because that's what she was so good at. She had so many funny mannerisms.