Friday, November 21, 2008

Another dream

I had a really strange dream the other night. Most of my dreams are pretty weird. I guess they suit me. Anyway, I remember the dream starting with Kacie and I flying in a small Cessna plane that I was flying. We flew all the way overseas to the Netherlands. Kacie and I were walking around some mall type place and I remember Kacie and I eating lunch somewhere with some older man I don't know. Then the whole dream just went south from there. I don't know if Kacie and I had split up to go shopping there or what but all I remember is panicking that I had lost her. I was circling around the shopping center looking for her and then I woke up for work.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Kacie always wanted to go to Europe. Glad she was able to go with you this way. Sorry she got lost though. She probably was just in some store trying on lots of clothes or makeup and lost track of time. can't wait to see you when you come up to md!