Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Two Dreams In One Night

Two nights ago, I dreamed that I walked into a beautiful white room. There was a bed in the middle of it and Kacie was sitting on the bed. She looked around six years old. The room was beautifully furnished with shelving on the wall holding all sorts of colorful items. For some reason I started singing some sort of silly song that a young child might sing. I had never heard this song before and made it up as I went along. I then started walking toward the door and noticed a piece of paper hung on the wall. Written on it were the lyrics to the song that I had just sung.

Later in the night, I dreamed that Kacie and I were standing at the top of the huge concrete dam at Liberty Reservoir. She was again about six years old. I made a long cast with my fishing rod into the lake below and hooked a huge fish. It jumped once and I lost it.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

sounds like beautiful scenery in your dreams. i hope kacie keeps visiting you several times a night. its been a while since i have had a kacie dream. wonder why?