Thursday, June 4, 2009


Just wanted to let everyone know that Kresimir and I... have gotten engaged! Coincidentally, we got engaged the day after Kacie and Jeff's wedding day anniversary. We had been waiting to tell people until we had told my dad. We don't have any exact plans yet but whatever we end up doing you will all be invited to the wedding. One of the last times I saw Kacie was at Sonoma's bar in Columbia, MD. We were having a heart to heart girl talk about my relationship. Kres and I had gotten into a fight about something. Kacie looked me right in the eye and said "Natalie! Don't ever mess up what you have with Kresimir!" She went on saying how he was a great guy. She had never really defended any of my boyfriends like that before and I definitely have took her advice. Kres was by my side the whole time in the hospital and I could not  have asked for a better shoulder to lean on in the difficult time we all have been going through. 


Nancy said...

Natalie & Kresimir
Just happened to be on the computer tonight, and what a terrific surprise to hear your news!! I'm so happy for both of you. Kacie would have been thrilled for you. CONGRATULATIONS!! and thanks for telling us.
Nancy & Gary

Rissy said...


amanda said...

wooohooo congratulations!!
I think you two are a great fit. I remember being so impressed with him at the hospital, such a great guy!

Gary New said...

Bodacious!!! Good luck.