Friday, July 31, 2009

The First Tee Shirt

The collection started with this one.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Kacie's initials

I couldn't think of a good way to explain where the initials are so here........(it's the same rock she was standing on in the OC pic of her)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Singing In The Tubby

Sorry about the quality but I'll keep trying.

Medieval Times

A few minutes ago, I was cleaning out our car and I happened to find this card wedged into the side of the door on the driver's side. It sure brought back some memories.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

spur of the moment trip to OC.

Kresimir's cousins were visiting from Croatia. It was their first time to the States. Croatia is on the Adriatic Sea. His cousin had never seen an "ocean" before... The water in Croatia is beautiful calm waters with pebble beaches. No waves. So we wanted to show them the waves. We visited the jetty and I snapped some photos. It was looking like it was going to rain but after we left the jetty the clouds drifted away and it was sunny as could be. I found my name on the rock again. It looks like the water is slowly working it away. It was more faded. I mean it is right there on the end of the jetty so it takes a lot of beatings from the waves. We also went to Doughroller's for lunch. Kres and I went into the arcade and took some photos in the old b&w photo booth. Oh and Kres and his cousins played in the waves... I am not much of a swimmer. That was pretty much it. Amanda and I ... and I think Rissy too, right?.. are planning on going to OC August 8th and 9th. 

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Short Dream-Winter At Woodbine

A couple of nights ago, I had this dream.

We were living in our country house in Woodbine and one night I looked into Kacie's bedroom and saw Kacie, around ten years old, lying under heavy blankets and Nancy was at the foot of her bed talking with her. I decided to surprise Kacie so I crawled into the room and as I was about to jump up she saw me. I then complained that the room was much too cold and I woke up.

This is a flashback to many times in the winter at Woodbine when I would walk into Kacie's room while she was sleeping and the windows would be wide open. She loved the cold.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

more t-shirts please!

would love to see more t-shirts! di you find a way to show the videos? There are places that you can take your old vhs tapes or any kind of tape for that matter and they can convert them to dvd or cd. that way it is easier to put them up on the computer or watch them on your tv today. hope things are going well. let me know what days you are coming up to md.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

My Favorite Pictures

These will always be my favorite pictures of Kacie. I took them on the first day of school at our house in Woodbine.

Four Pictures

Friday, July 10, 2009

"I never dreamed you'd leave in Summer"

Did anyone see the Michael Jackson Memorial Service on CNN? There was a lot of celebrity performances including Stevie Wonder performing "I never dreamed you'd leave in Summer"... One of Kacie's favorite songs. She had put it on a couple mix cds and I remember Gary talking about loving the song too. Check out the video at:

I tried to import the video but I couldn't figure it out.

Monday, July 6, 2009

toucan shirt

Hey Gary,
Do you have a red t-shirt with a toucan (spelling) on it that belonged to Kacie?

Friday, July 3, 2009

Frankie Valli Fans Unite

It's time to give Frankie Valli equal time. If I hear one more Michael Jackson song on the radio, I'm going to stick an ice pick in my ear. Michael would die to have Frankie's vocal range (sorry- sick joke). Unlike Michael Jackson, when Frankie Valli performs you don't have to watch him fondle himself.
According to Billboard Magazine, Michael has 60 charted hits. What an amateur!! Frankie has 71.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


I was just thinking about how nice Kacie was to certain types of people. I remember when she was going to USCB, there was a nerdy kid in her class that everyone laughed at because of his accent and Kacie made a point to talk to him and be nice. She told me about him all the time. Then, when she was going to Howard Community, there was another kid that she said no one paid any attention to. She said he was really stinky and wore the same shirt all the time. She talked about him a lot and told me how she would talk to him and make him smile.

I am usually really nice to people that aren't popular or get made fun of a lot and it's because of Kacie.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


This might be a long stretch but does anyone have any michael jackson memories with Kacie?