Saturday, July 25, 2009

spur of the moment trip to OC.

Kresimir's cousins were visiting from Croatia. It was their first time to the States. Croatia is on the Adriatic Sea. His cousin had never seen an "ocean" before... The water in Croatia is beautiful calm waters with pebble beaches. No waves. So we wanted to show them the waves. We visited the jetty and I snapped some photos. It was looking like it was going to rain but after we left the jetty the clouds drifted away and it was sunny as could be. I found my name on the rock again. It looks like the water is slowly working it away. It was more faded. I mean it is right there on the end of the jetty so it takes a lot of beatings from the waves. We also went to Doughroller's for lunch. Kres and I went into the arcade and took some photos in the old b&w photo booth. Oh and Kres and his cousins played in the waves... I am not much of a swimmer. That was pretty much it. Amanda and I ... and I think Rissy too, right?.. are planning on going to OC August 8th and 9th. 


Gary New said...

Great to see these shots. But did you see Kacie's initials carved in the rock by Jeff?

Rissy said...

you bet we are!

Natalie said...

I did not see Kacie's initials... I totally forgot! Needless to say we will be there again in 2 weeks and I will make sure to find it! Jeff can you remind me where it is again?