Thursday, July 2, 2009


I was just thinking about how nice Kacie was to certain types of people. I remember when she was going to USCB, there was a nerdy kid in her class that everyone laughed at because of his accent and Kacie made a point to talk to him and be nice. She told me about him all the time. Then, when she was going to Howard Community, there was another kid that she said no one paid any attention to. She said he was really stinky and wore the same shirt all the time. She talked about him a lot and told me how she would talk to him and make him smile.

I am usually really nice to people that aren't popular or get made fun of a lot and it's because of Kacie.


Gary New said...

Very interesting.... Kacie always thought that I was kind of nerdy and that I talk funny. Nancy tells me that I'm stinky and I like to wear the same shirt all the time.

Natalie said...

I remember the guy at HCC she called him "sunflower teeth." haha. she was very nice to him in class. Kacie and I would do that when we went out together too. We would pick the lonliest looking person and go talk to them. Sometimes it was for our own entertainment, I mean we wern't mean, but most of the time we ended up making the guys or girls night. Sometimes it backfired and they were total creeps and we had to evacuate. haha.

Jeff said...

That's really funny Gary. Yeah, Kacie loved to make fun of me. I think I took it well but she could be ruthless sometimes haha. She used to call me nerdy too.

Natalie, that's hilarious. I kept thinking of the word sunflower but I couldn't remember. I thought maybe he wore a sunflower t-shirt but you are right, she DID call him sunflower teeth.

The other kid I mentioned at USCB was the southern kid that brought his coin collection to school for an assignment. Kacie used act like him and say "I git them from the tv." haha

Nancy said...

I remember her telling me about the coin collector guy too! She talked about him alot and said she was nice to him.

remember some one else too at HCC but dont remember her calling him sunflower teeth. haha