Thursday, July 23, 2009

Short Dream-Winter At Woodbine

A couple of nights ago, I had this dream.

We were living in our country house in Woodbine and one night I looked into Kacie's bedroom and saw Kacie, around ten years old, lying under heavy blankets and Nancy was at the foot of her bed talking with her. I decided to surprise Kacie so I crawled into the room and as I was about to jump up she saw me. I then complained that the room was much too cold and I woke up.

This is a flashback to many times in the winter at Woodbine when I would walk into Kacie's room while she was sleeping and the windows would be wide open. She loved the cold.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Gary, this made me smile, thinking about Kacie as a kid sleeping with the windows open. She always did that.... I had not idea it went that far back. Even in her car in the dead of winter.... both windows rolled down. ha. I would give her a hard time about it. Whenever I think of the happiest moments with Kacie I think about driving in her many cars with her with the windows down and her big sunglasses on, blasting loud music and her hand dangling out the window.