Sunday, October 25, 2009

A day In Paradise

We had a great day aboard Sweet Pea today. Here are few shots of our Hilton Head adventure.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Surf Dogs

While walking on the beach this morning we met a French lady with four french bulldogs. Kacie always wanted a french bulldog but settled for our pug because they're a lot less expensive.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Boarding School

I had this dream this morning.

Mimi was running some kind of boarding school. When I entered the school, she immediately complained that my clothing wasn't coordinated. I was furious and went upstairs to find a room. There was a large open area surrounded by many small rooms and I saw Kacie. She was very young, maybe four or five. She took me a room right next to hers but I didn't seem to realize that we were related. I told her that I had to complete a test by the morning and she showed me that she had one also but they were completely different. A teacher then came along and all of the children followed her for a trip on the bus.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Lyme Disease

I found this report about a year ago and it has concerned me ever since. About one month before Kacie died, she became aware that she had Lyme Disease. Apparently, she kept it a secret. Her long walks along the river in Sykesville would have been a likely spot to receive the tick bite. This leads me to belive that she went a considerable period of time without treatment. This disease can often result in severe physical and mental pain if left untreated. Did Kacie discuss this with anyone?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Kacie's High School Notebook

Obviously, Amanda designed this page for Kacie's notebook. Does anyone out there know what the Juliana Theory is? It's mentioned several times in her notebook.

Nursery Dream

I had this dream early this morning.

Kacie, Beebs and I were living in a very large mansion with my parents. My father, now dead 25 years, was doing some work in a very large room across the hall from our bedroom. I walked into the room and saw that he had created a beautiful nursery for little children. All of the furniture was brightly colored and he showed me a big screen tv that he had just mounted on the wall. There were cartoons being shown on the screen. He was concerned that I might make a mess of his work so I assured him that I would never enter the room again. I then returned to our bedroom and was stretched out on the bed when Kacie entered and rested beside me. She looked about 4 or 5 and was obviously very sad. I watched her a a while and became very sad because I knew that she would have a very difficult life.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Old Man And The Sea

Beebs took this picture of me fishing from the bow of Sweet Pea this afternoon. We have a small motor on the bow of the boat that we control by a remote control device mounted on my fishing rod.
Natalie has found a good source here on the island for boat name lettering. Any ideas? We planned on blue letters about three inches high with a ship's wheel.

Kacie's Fortune Cookie

I found this little slip of paper at the bottom of her cork collection.

Kacie's Album Collection

Kacie's Matchbook Collection

Kacie's Cork Collection

Kacie's Book Collection

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Lost and Found Pictures

happy birthday kacie- forever young and forever beautiful!

Lost and Found Pictures

Lost and Found Pictures

Happy Birthday Kace

You always made my birthdays very special. I wish I could do the same for you today. Maybe we can celebrate at the Pink House again or 1789 someday. I will always miss you.

Happy Birthday Kacie

Love, Jeff

October 4, 1983

The best 24 years of our lives. You are in our
hearts today and always.
Mom & Dad