Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Lyme Disease

I found this report about a year ago and it has concerned me ever since. About one month before Kacie died, she became aware that she had Lyme Disease. Apparently, she kept it a secret. Her long walks along the river in Sykesville would have been a likely spot to receive the tick bite. This leads me to belive that she went a considerable period of time without treatment. This disease can often result in severe physical and mental pain if left untreated. Did Kacie discuss this with anyone?


Natalie said...

Kacie never mentioned this to me but i looked up info on cellulitis and this is what i got:
"There have been many cases where Lyme disease has been misdiagnosed as staph- or strep-induced cellulitis. Because the characteristic bullseye rash does not always appear in patients infected with Lyme disease, the similar set of symptoms may be misdiagnosed as cellulitis. Standard treatments for cellulitis are not sufficient for curing Lyme disease. The only way to rule out Lyme disease is with a blood test, which is recommended during warm months in areas where the disease is endemic.[2]"

If this report says both as the diagnosis then maybe the doctor didn't know if she had gotten one or the other?

it says cellulitis can dissapear within a week of antibiotics and I know lime disease can be cured if treated very early too.

It is very strange she never mentioned it... maybe it ended up being nothing. Maybe she just had some kind of allergic reaction and went to the doctor... I don't know.

Natalie said...
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Kris in Lymeland. said...

I haven't found what Kacie died from yet in the blog, but I'll keep looking. I did want to tell you that cellulitis is one of the things that Lyme can cause. Lyme can be a fatal disease. This is why there is such a hot controversy with this disease as we speak. I myself have it. I am so sorry about your daughter. Lyme is extremely painful. Your daughter may have kept it a secret because we are left to believe after treatment that we are cured even when we have severe pain and symptoms which do not resolve. Lyme can mimic every mental illness and has been studied by Brian Fallon, MD at Columbia University. It can change your personality. I know this from watching a sibling and from going through the treatment myself. I don't know what happened to your daughter but I think your blog is a lovely tribute to her.