Saturday, August 21, 2010

JAWS 8/21/10 Fight Scenes

The immense size of the fish can be determined by the length of the steel wire leader in this picture which is 3 feet long. This wire made the catch of this 9 foot shark possible because its teeth looked about an inch long. A local shark expert guessed its weight to be about 300 pounds. It was about 6 feet from the dorsal (top) fin to the caudal (rear) fin and another 3 feet from the dorsal fin to the tip of the nose.

This morning around 10:00 we had already caught two sharks of about 3 feet and 5 feet. We were fishing in a shipping channel between Hilton Head and Savannah in about 30 feet of water about two miles off of the southern tip of Hilton Head. For bait we were drifting 10 inch fish along the bottom when the monster hit. The reel was smoking as the shark peeled off about two hundred yards of line. I fought it for about 30 minutes and it towed us almost a mile. We were shocked when we first saw it surface. It was a blacktip shark of about 9 feet. I've seen them over 10 feet in the spring of the year on sandbars. I released it so swimmers beware, it's still out there.

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