Friday, August 13, 2010

"Until I Find You" - A Dream

I had this dream yesterday morning.

I was listening to a woman talk and she was very excited about a book that she had just read. She said that it was her favorite book and it went by the above title. I then told her that I had found this book in Kacie's collection.

The book is a paperback that I found in Kacie's room. It was written by John Irving. Does anyone know if Kacie actually read this book or talked about it? I think I'll begin reading it this weekend.


Natalie said...

I don't remember her mentioning it, but that doesn't mean she didn't read it. She read quite a bit. I doubt there was many books she had in her collection that she hadn't read. Interesting dream and title.

amanda said...

hey yall.
I bet she read it. She really loved "the world according to garp" by john irving and I'm pretty sure I lent her "a prayer for owen meany" by the same author too. I think this one is one of his latest.