Sunday, November 28, 2010

Turkey Dress Take #2

Turkey dress

Here's my dress she put on the day we cooked a TG dinner together for Gary and Jeff.

Can't believe we found this picture!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Recently Found

Recently Found

Recently Found

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1 Year

Hilton Head Turkey Cruise (Incredible Coincidence)

We took this boat for a Thanksgiving cruise of the intracoastal waterway around the island yesterday.
Our table was next to the window and we were gazing at the lighthouse next to us where I scattered Kacie's ashes. We were talking about her when a young girl around 24 walked up to our table and said "hi, I'm Kacie and I'll be taking care of you." It was our waitress and when we composed ourselves, Nancy asked her how she spelled her name and it was of course the same as our Kacie.

Here Beebs is doing her version of a great scene from the movie Titanic.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Roxy Music part 2

roxy music

Bryan Ferry Hints at New Roxy Music Album :: Music :: News :: Paste

Kacie was a big fan of the band Roxy Music. Who haven't come out with a new album since the early 80s. There have been rumors going around there was going to be new album but it ended up just being a solo album for the singer, Brian Ferry. He says he is open to doing another album though under certain circumstances.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Does anyone else remember Kacie pulling your nose? You know like the trick "got your nose!" I might be completely crazy but I vaguely remember her doing this to me at some point. Did she do it to anyone else?
A few nights ago I was sleeping and having some dream, no idea what it was about but it doesn't matter. All of a sudden I was awoken from the dream from someone pulling my nose like that. I didn't see it in the dream, I just felt it and it woke me up immediately and then i was annoyed. I yelled at Kresimir asking if he had touched my face and he said no and went back to bed. Then I thought about Kacie, being the prankster that she is and trying to remember if she had done something like this to me in the past.... or maybe to someone else.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Kacie's Dad Lands A Big One In 1966

I will never forget how proud I was when the Baltimore Sun published this picture and did a small article on this big northern pike that I had caught. My moment of ecstasy soon ended when I looked closely at the picture and saw that I hadn't quite zipped up all the way.

