Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Coffee with Kacie

A few mornings ago, I had a brief dream that a van drove up to our house and Kacie, Lisa and a few other friends stopped by. I also remember seeing Lisa's parents. Then just before waking up, I was showing Kacie how to make coffee measuring each tablespoon. Then I woke up. I thought this was funny because of how Kacie worked in so many coffee shops while in high school and college. This dream also brought back memories of how Kacie spent alot of time at Lisa's house while growing up and how Lisa's parents were so kind to her. It was great to have another dream.


lisa said...

This made me think of when I was at your house, and I'm thinking kacie and I were around 13, and you let us help you make Belgium waffles for breakfast, and kacie being funny as she was, decided to eat a stick of butter. She brought this up many times, usually when we happened to be around butter at the same time. :) I hope you have a beautiful birthday Mrs. Nancy, my parents and I care alot for kacie, and I know they feel the same way towards y'all for always being so good to me.

Natalie said...

Lisa, this butter story is priceless. LOL. I can totally see her trying to do something like that. ha.

Nancy said...

Thanks for telling me about that story. How can I forget her eating the butter! Great hearing from you and give our love to your parents.