Wednesday, April 27, 2011

the pug locker

at the gym i go to you can rent your own lockers. I have never seen the person who rents this locker but they have pug photos all over it. One of them is the same image from a card Gary and Nancy sent me a while back. Reminded me of Gus. Hope he is doing well!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Pug Talk Magazine

never saw this before but there is an entire magazine about pugs!

Happy Birthday Gary

Hope all is well and you do something special!

This pic was taken on the cruise Kacie and Jeff took.

"Lemony Snickett"

I happened to be watching tv the other night, and a movie called Lemony Snickett caught my eye. The name sounded so familiar and I finally realized this was a movie Kacie and I went to see when she was here for visit. This brought back memories of seeing other children's movies with her when she visited like Little Miss Sunshine, Peter Pan, Ritchie Rich, and other I'm trying to remember. She loved children's movies and always talked me into going when she was here.

Just happened to think about this today.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

by kacie

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Long Walk With Kacie Dream

I had this dream just before waking up this morning.

I was working in Washington D.C. and had left my car at a gas station for repair. After work, I tried to find the station without success. As I was walking through the streets of downtown D.C., Kacie appeared as an adult and we walked together. We walked through ghettos and around the beltway and we talked constantly. All I can remember about our conversation is that she said she had stayed in touch with Jeff and Mimi. I repeatedly asked her if she had a cell phone so that we could call Beebs for help. Finally she agreed to let me have it and handed me a big piece of cheese. She thought that this was hillarious and I woke up.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

A Visit To Kacie's House Dream

When Kacie was admitted to the hospital we received a phone call at 3 am from the police. For three years I have been waking up around 3 each morning and reliving the experience. I had this dream this morning and woke up at 3 as usual.

We were living at our house in Woodbine and were visited by several old friends. After walking through our house I told our guests that we owned another home and would like to show it to them. It was only several minutes away so we got in my car and drove west on Liberty Road to a small community in the country. Our house was the largest and nicest of any there. One of the people in our car group was suffering from cancer and was very irritable. We walked into a very contemporary living room that was nicely furnished in bright colors. I then walked alone into an adjoining bedroom and Kacie was there lying on the bed. She was an adult and looked good but was a little overweight. Kacie made no attempt to get up so I covered her with a sheet a layed next to her. We talked and she said that she was not lonely or afraid to live in the big house. She also said that she liked to fish. I then asked her what had happened to her life and why she had died and she said "there are only a few people like us." I then woke up and remembered every detail with perfect clarity.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Jetty Dream

I had this interesting dream this morning.

Natalie, Kresmir and myself were visiting tourist sites in a coastal town in Europe. We heard that the best attraction was a huge castle near the beach. When we arrived there, a tour guide showed us an open spiral stairway going straight up into the sky and told us that there were one million steps to the top and we would see the castle there. Natalie went first and I followed with Kresmir. The view of the ocean was incredible on the way up and when we finally arrived at the top there was a long rocky jetty, like Ocean City, leading to the castle in the distance. Natalie and Kresmir walked ahead of me and got into a slight argument because he claimed that during our climb to the top Natalie kept repeating "I belong to Kacie." I then heard him say "but Kacie said that you liked me" and I woke up.