Saturday, April 2, 2011

Jetty Dream

I had this interesting dream this morning.

Natalie, Kresmir and myself were visiting tourist sites in a coastal town in Europe. We heard that the best attraction was a huge castle near the beach. When we arrived there, a tour guide showed us an open spiral stairway going straight up into the sky and told us that there were one million steps to the top and we would see the castle there. Natalie went first and I followed with Kresmir. The view of the ocean was incredible on the way up and when we finally arrived at the top there was a long rocky jetty, like Ocean City, leading to the castle in the distance. Natalie and Kresmir walked ahead of me and got into a slight argument because he claimed that during our climb to the top Natalie kept repeating "I belong to Kacie." I then heard him say "but Kacie said that you liked me" and I woke up.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

cool dream. Kresimir and I are going to Spain for a honeymoon so we will be in Europe this summer. I will lookout for castles.