Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Long Walk With Kacie Dream

I had this dream just before waking up this morning.

I was working in Washington D.C. and had left my car at a gas station for repair. After work, I tried to find the station without success. As I was walking through the streets of downtown D.C., Kacie appeared as an adult and we walked together. We walked through ghettos and around the beltway and we talked constantly. All I can remember about our conversation is that she said she had stayed in touch with Jeff and Mimi. I repeatedly asked her if she had a cell phone so that we could call Beebs for help. Finally she agreed to let me have it and handed me a big piece of cheese. She thought that this was hillarious and I woke up.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

kacie loved cheese!! i don't know if i posted this before but check the next post of a silly picture she made on the computer about her love for cheese.