Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hiding Gus Dream

I just woke up to this one.

We moved into a new house and I didn't care for it at all. Everything about it was boring and I looked out the window and saw two nasty neighbors. I heard voices coming out of a rear bedroom and opened the door to find a very young Kacie with several friends and their dogs. Gus was not there so I questioned Kacie about him and she said that he was staying at a friend's house. Then I noticed a big lump under the covers on the bed and when I removed the sheet there was Gus.

Monday, May 30, 2011

A Funny Greeting From Kacie

Double click on this picture to enlarge it and look at the scribble that Kacie wrote in the right column. This was on page 71 of her book called Jack Maggs. It's a great book about a rascal that sneaks into proper 19th century society in London. I examined her scribble for quite a while to determine if it was actually a word. Kacie's printing wasn't the best but I was determined to figure it out. She liked to write in Japanese so I thought this might be a possibility. Just as I was about to give up I turned the book upside down and the little message from Kacie was perfectly clear.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Great Book From Kacie's Collection

Kacie's book collection is quite extensive and full of surprises. I started reading this book recently and can't put it down. It's one of the most interesting and best written books that I've ever picked up. Does anyone remember Kacie reading this book, Jack Maggs, or have any idea where she got it?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

rest in peace, bella

This past weekend has been rough. I had to put down my beloved cat, Bella. Kacie knew her very well. She was only 7 years old but became very sick about two weeks ago. The vets were having trouble figuring out what was wrong with her. It ended up she had a large tumor or infectuous disease in her lungs right near her heart. It would have been very invasive and expensive to figure out exactly what it was and either way her life was not going to end well. It was very sad but we chose to have her put down. It is still hard for me to realize its true because she was so young. Most cats live double that age. The vet offers a cremation service and we decided to do that. We are planning on building a new garden under our birdfeeder (one of bella's favorite places) and using her ashes in the soil to plant the garden. I know some of you met Bella and she was quite the people pleaser. Very social and never left my side. I will really miss her.

pug puppy in miami

About a week ago, Larissa, Amanda, my other friend Aneeka and I all went on a mini trip to Miami. It was sort of like a bachelorette party weekend before my wedding. The weather was beautiful and we had a great time. We went into this very pretentious puppy store. Little dogs you can carry in your purse are all the rage in Miami. There we saw a little pug puppy. Although, I can't really imagine Gus fitting into many of your purses Nancy? Haha. This little guy was a cutie though!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Another Amazing Experience At Harbour Town Lighthouse

This morning, we were walking Gus near the lighthouse where I placed Kacie's ashes. A little girl was playing with Gus and she said that she also had a pug. Nancy asked her how old he was and she said ten (our Gus is ten). Nancy then questioned her about her dog's name and she said "Osar but we were going to name him Gus." The little girl then said that her pug was born on October 4 which is Kacie's birthday.

I posted this experience on Thanksgiving but it's worth repeating. On Thanksgiving afternoon, Nancy and I decided to take a lunch cruise on a boat docked near the lighthouse. As we were looking up at the lighthouse and talking about Kacie, we heard a voice behind us say "hi, I'm Kacie and I'll be taking care of you." It was our waitress. She looked around 24 (Kacie's age) and looked similar to her. Nancy asked her how she spelled her name and she said " k a c i e ."

Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Picnic Near Frederick, Md. - Summer of '85

My two best friends, Jim and Bob, and Kacie are here together but no longer with us.

Liberty Lake Summer of '85

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

On the Dunes by Sarah Teasdale

Today, Larissa came over my house. We were searching through several poetry books I have to try and find a reading for my wedding. While we did not find a poem that we liked for a wedding in any of the books, I stumbled across this poem that reminded me of Kacie, Ocean City and the Dunes Manor.

On the Dunes by Sarah Teasdale (1884-1933)

If there is any life when death is over,
These tawny beaches will know much of me,
I shall come back, as constant and as changeful
As the unchanging, many-colored sea.

If life was small, if it has made me scornful,
Forgive me; I shall straighten like a flame
In the great calm of death, and if you want me
Stand on the sea-ward dunes and call my name.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Southern Style Mother's Day

The three sharks that we caught today would make any mother very proud. The largest was a black tip like our world record but only 4-5 feet.

A Southern Style Mother's Day

We took Sweetpea to Palmetto Bluff (John Travolta's Neighborhood) for a great lunch after several hours of shark fishingl