Tuesday, May 24, 2011

rest in peace, bella

This past weekend has been rough. I had to put down my beloved cat, Bella. Kacie knew her very well. She was only 7 years old but became very sick about two weeks ago. The vets were having trouble figuring out what was wrong with her. It ended up she had a large tumor or infectuous disease in her lungs right near her heart. It would have been very invasive and expensive to figure out exactly what it was and either way her life was not going to end well. It was very sad but we chose to have her put down. It is still hard for me to realize its true because she was so young. Most cats live double that age. The vet offers a cremation service and we decided to do that. We are planning on building a new garden under our birdfeeder (one of bella's favorite places) and using her ashes in the soil to plant the garden. I know some of you met Bella and she was quite the people pleaser. Very social and never left my side. I will really miss her.


Nancy said...

Dear Natalie,
I am so sorry to hear about your beautiful Bella. I know how attached you can become.
I got to meet Bella at Kacie's shower and also the time Kacie babysat Bella when you were away on a trip. She and Royal got to hang out together in Mimi's basement. I know how much you will miss her.
Thinking of you today.

Jeff said...

Sorry to hear about Bella Natalie. I remember seeing her once when I think I was at your apartment with Kacie.