Sunday, May 22, 2011

Another Amazing Experience At Harbour Town Lighthouse

This morning, we were walking Gus near the lighthouse where I placed Kacie's ashes. A little girl was playing with Gus and she said that she also had a pug. Nancy asked her how old he was and she said ten (our Gus is ten). Nancy then questioned her about her dog's name and she said "Osar but we were going to name him Gus." The little girl then said that her pug was born on October 4 which is Kacie's birthday.

I posted this experience on Thanksgiving but it's worth repeating. On Thanksgiving afternoon, Nancy and I decided to take a lunch cruise on a boat docked near the lighthouse. As we were looking up at the lighthouse and talking about Kacie, we heard a voice behind us say "hi, I'm Kacie and I'll be taking care of you." It was our waitress. She looked around 24 (Kacie's age) and looked similar to her. Nancy asked her how she spelled her name and she said " k a c i e ."

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Interesting story. Hope you guys are doing alright and the weather is nice.