Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Attention All Serious Book Readers - Kacie's Book Club Is Back Big Time

The purpose of the club is to promote Kacie's love of reading (good stuff).

The wildly enthusiastic members so far are Jenny, Julie and Jevan Meadows; Beebs and the Old Man, but we want lots of members.

When you complete a really great book, please post the title, author and a brief critique on Kacie's website.  At various times during the year, lists of the books read will be compiled and posted on Kacie's website so that we can size up the competition.

The Rules
   1.  Only classic masterpiece literature (including poetry)  will count - the kind of stuff that has or can withstand the test of time.  For example, Moby Dick is a yes and Diary of A Wimpy Kid is a no.  All of the books found in the classics section of Barnes and Noble are winners along with the books found on Kacie's favorite book list per Natalie's posting of 3/05/13.  Modern day best selling novels (trash) just can't cut it.

   2.  Books must be read between now and 12/31/13  and not something that you read light years ago.

The Grand Prize
   On 1/01/14, our distinguished panel of judges (Beebs and the Old Man) will select and announce our most accomplished reader for the year.  The most books read will be a consideration but the quality of the books and critiques will carry the most weight.  Most importantly, there is a very good chance that the judges will not cheat and pick themselves.  The winner will be mailed a box full of Kacie's favorite treats (pasta, chocolate, cheese, twizzlers, etc.) along with a gift card for dinner for two at Panera Bread.

Turn off the television and computer and hit the books!!!  Books currently being read by members are Rebecca (Du Maurier), Middlemarch (Eliot), Les Miserables (Hugo), Wuthering Heights (Bronte) and Huckleberry Finn (Twain).

Happy Reading,
Beebs and the Old Man



Natalie said...

sounds like fun :) I think I know exactly what I will read. Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh first published in 1955. I picked this book up quite a while ago at an antique store because the cover reminded my of Kacie. I think it is time to read this... but it might take me a little while. I started it but never finished.

Nancy said...

A good choice. Keep me up to date on the status. The competition is heating up.


Natalie said...

I am very behind on this. I am sorry! been very busy with work.