Sunday, November 2, 2008

cat power/ david bowie

As all of you may know Cat Power was one of Kacie's favorite bands. Has anyone seen the new Lincoln car commercial? It is Cat Power aka Chan Marshall doing a cover of "Space Oddity" by David Bowie. Kacie also loved a lot of David Bowie's music as well. Whenever I listen to Cat Power I think of Kacie. She was the one who introduced me to it and took me to a concert of hers at the 9:30 club in Washington D.C. Larissa was there as well.

Check out this link if you want to see the commercial:

I am sorry if I am repeating this.. I write so much on the blog and talk to people... so I am not sure. Kacie loved the song "Sea of Love" by Cat Power. (Check out the video above to hear the song. I don't know who made this video. It is not cat powere just some dork on the internet. But I posted it so you could hear the song) She wanted this song to be her wedding first dance song. But ended up picking "Our Love is here to Stay" by Ella Fitzgerald. Here are the lyrics to Sea of Love:

Come with me
My Love
To the sea
The sea of Love

I want to tell you
how much
I love you

Do you remember
When we met
That's the day
I knew you were my pet

I wanna tell you
how much
I love you


amanda said...

hey natalie- I'm pretty sure it is cat power on that commercial, to answer that question.
I think of Kacie every time I hear Cat Power too.
I also remember when I told Sara Ostovar that Kacie was in the hospital, her first reaction was to dig frantically for a photo of her and Kacie dancing to "Sea of Love" on her wedding night. Sara shut herself up in her room and listened to Cat Power records for days.

amanda said...

hey natalie- I'm pretty sure it is cat power on that commercial, to answer that question.
I think of Kacie every time I hear Cat Power too.
I also remember when I told Sara Ostovar that Kacie was in the hospital, her first reaction was to dig frantically for a photo of her and Kacie dancing to "Sea of Love" on her wedding night. Sara shut herself up in her room and listened to Cat Power records for days.

Nancy said...

Hey amanda,
i think i might have a picture of Kacie and Sarah at the wedding. If I do, i will send it to her.

By the way, thats a great song!

Natalie said...

hey amanda,
it definetly is cat power. check out the link that has the story behind it. also... about I don't know if you remember this Amanda but you were my dance partner to Sea of Love at Kacie's wedding. :)

amanda said...

I had forgotten about that ! I do remember now though. Where was Jeff while all the ladies were dancing??

Anonymous said...

today i was driving in the car and i looked to my left and the girl looked so much like kacie. the past couple days everyone keeps asking what my tattoo says and its the rufus wainwright one that kacie and i both have. i always miss the funny kacie jokes and how she always made light of serious things and could make you feel better and laugh!


Nancy said...

good to hear from you sara. hope you are doing okay. kacie always thought alot of you too.