Sunday, November 2, 2008


This was Kacie's favorite mascara. It was a two step mascara that she loved to layer and layer on. I think you all are probably familiar with the face Kacie made while putting on make up. I remember Vince and I making fun of her for that face. Vince if you get a chance you should post the picture of her putting on makeup. 


Jeff said...

Pucker face! she couldn't help but pucker her lips. It was hilarious!

Rissy said...

and she was always so messy with it!!! She would walk around the apartment for a while after she put it on, and it was aaaaaall over her eyelids. She'd eventually clean it off obviously, but it was always so funny to see.

Anonymous said...

Awww this was mirror face to me, but she never took it well when I teased her about it. I still have the email where I tried to convince her I was not making fun of her, but that I really loved mirror face.