Sunday, March 29, 2009

Kacie painting

I told Gary that I would post a picture of the painting that Kacie painted for me. I think she gave it to me when we were both living in Baltimore, maybe 2003? She might have given this to me when we were in SC but I am not sure. The painting sits on top of the nice credenza table that Kacie won at Natalie's work party along with some other framed Kacie pics.


Gary New said...

Hey Jeff,

Thanks for showing us this one. We had no idea that Kacie had any real talent like this. In the near future, I will take pictures of her artwork that we have and put it on this site. When we visit, I want to get a photo of it and enlarge it when we get back to the states.

Nancy said...

i remember her telling me she was going to paint a picture for you, somehow i kind of remember her painting it here, in SC, but not sure. Is there a story behind the painting? I know she had a tattoo like that, but not sure if it had a special meaning. thanks for showing us.

Natalie said...

Hi Jeff,
I am so glad you still have this painting. I remembered it very clearly in my head. She had a few other paintings she did that were very similair to these... one I remember being lavender.

I think you are right that she made them when she was in hilton head. I remember when she first moved back to Baltimore she had them at her first apartment with Shannon in Chatham.

Jeff said...

Nancy, I don't know if it had a special meaning or if it is related to the tree tattoo. Honestly, I never thought about relating the two until after she passed. If it did, I guess it was her own little secret.