Monday, August 24, 2009

another caton avenue good will experience

Not sure if you remember, but a while back I visited Kacie and I's favorite thrift store on Caton Avenue in South Baltimore. While I was there I found a brand new pair of a pair of suede loafers that Kacie and I had both owned several years ago and they were exactly my size. I recently went to the thrift store again last week. While browsing the clothing I found several blouses and jackets that the brand name was "KC". Here are some photos I snapped. Pretty Cool huh?


Nancy said...

wow, you have some of the best
shopping experiences. I bet you were so surprised!
Thanks for snapping the pictures.
i remember the shoes!!

Rissy said...

you always get signs like this, Natalie. I don't think it's by chance. :)