Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Vegetable Garden

i am having dinner at one of Kacie's favorite restaurants right now! The Vegetable Garden on Rockville Pike. It's vegan Chinese food if you can believe it! Just sitting here is making me think of her :)


Natalie said...

i actually thought of her the other day when i went to ikea. i remember some days she would wake up and say to me "it just feels like an ikea day" sometimes she would go and buy nothing at all but she loved just lollygagging around and buying little thingys here and there.

i remember the first time kacie took me to the vegetable garden, i believe you were with us larissa. at the time i wasn't really into vegan food and put my nose in the air to it. but then i realized how AMAZING the place was. hope you had some good stuff. i think she liked the orange faux duck dish there.... i am sure that just was one of the many.

Jeff said...

I have been there atleast twice with her. I remember she would would have a hard time finding someone to go with her because it was so far away. She loved this place.

Rissy said...

Natalie, I saw the faux duck dish on the menu, but I was too scared to try do you make tofu into duck?? I just don't get it!!

We can have a little kacie food moment and I can tell you about my meal in elaborate detail :)

The restaurant is kind of expensive, but they have this great weeknight deal that for $9.99 you get a cup of soup and 2 side-size entrees.

I ended up getting the tomato spinach soup which was fantastic. I definitely wanted a bigger bowl. For my entrees, I picked the General Tsao's Chicken, because I remembered it being really really good from the time Kacie took me, and I also got Emerals Bean Curd, which was strips of bean curd with veggies in a black bean sauce. Both were amazing.

They also serve this funky bread before your meal...I have no idea what's in it, but it has that very earthy, organic taste to it.

I definitely want to go back soon, so any time any of you are in my neighborhood, just let me know and we'll make a trip! Kacie would be so happy because it's only about 10 minutes from my house!

Gary New said...

Kacie sure enjoyed a good meal. Her close friends saw that her table manners weren't the best. That's because as she was growing up I tried to make our meals together a really fun time without any regard for manners. Our meals were always filled with laughter and crude noises.

Nancy said...

she always used to tell me about wanting to go to the vegetable garden, and trying to find someone that would go with her since it was so far away. I remember she said she got Jeff to go a couple of times. I wish I could have gone with her. The food sounds excellent. Thanks for describing it in such detail.