Saturday, August 15, 2009

Kacie recipes

Since we are on the subject of kacie's fav foods, I was trying to remember some of her favorite recipes. I don't really remember ever seeing anything written down or any recipes that she saved. I know she always made up her own concoctions, like tofu dishes, etc.

If anybody has any recipes of hers, original or favorites that you know of, please post them.

I would love to save them as a memory. Thanks!!


Natalie said...

kacie definetly was famous for making up food as she went.
i know she liked to make egg beater omlettes a lot. she liked to put salsa and feta cheese in them. which i thought was a weird combination until she made me try it and it was great. i will try to think up of some more things.

Jeff said...

I still have some cookbooks that she bought a long time ago. I have two Thai and a Chinese cookbook that she had for a long time. Maybe she got some of her Tofu stir fry ingredients ideas from these books?

I always thought of how funny it was to see her use Pam spray. She used that for everything.

She also taught me how to make rice. She showed me how to make it just right without messing it up.

Nancy said...

Natalie, Jeff
Thanks for refreshing my memory.
How could I forget the Eggbeaters!
She always bought that when she was here. I definitely remember Pam spray. We used to buy the supersize at Sams club. Im glad she taught you how to make rice, Jeff.
If you think of more things, let me know.