Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sweetpea and the Dolphin

Yesterday, we caught a really nice shark about 2 or 3 miles out in the ocean. It was about 5 feet or so. As we were returning to the island we saw a bunch of dolphin and we stopped. This one dropped by to say hello.


Natalie said...

awwww so cute!

Natalie said...

gary i went back and found my post about dreams with sharks and dolphins... funny to have reoccuring themes


deep sea creature dreams...
In the past week I have had two separate dreams involving sharks and dolphins. The first dream I had was me "playing" with a shark. Yes, thats right, "playing" with a shark. ... like it was a dog. I was in a tank playing fetch with a shark and then play swimming and it would follow me. I remember seeing the mouth and teeth of the shark vividly.... and it was almost as if the shark was smiling.... it was quite strange. I have been working at this house on Gibson Island painting for the last month or so and the house is right on the bay with amazing views. I had a dream the other night that I was working at this house and the water came right up to the windows. I looked out the window and there were 4 dolphins swimming in the water. I was so tickled. I opened the window and started calling to them making high pitch noises like they do. The dolphins heard me. They pulled there heads out of the water and started calling back to me. We continued to do this for a while.
I am not sure what the meaning is behind these dreams? Kacie did love the sea... but not sharks.... and she never really mentioned anything about dolphins. Maybe I was supposed to be a marine biologist?

Jeff said...
