Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Not sure if we have blogged about this before, but does anyone remember Kacie loving stale twizzlers? Today I was working in a client's kitchen and there was a bag of twizzlers on the counter wide open. This reminded me of how Kacie would buy a bag of Twizzlers and leave them open for a few days and then would eat them later. She thought they tasted a lot better stale haha. funny huh?
By the way, this picture is a dress someone made out of twizzlers on Project Runway.


Nancy said...

Ha ha. Kacie would have loved this.
Yes I remember she loved red twizzlers, I think jeff told me how she liked to eat them stale the best.

Jeff said...

Yeah, when she used to work at the Hallmark, her boss was too cheap to buy fresh ones so she would just eat the ones they had. Speaking of Hallmark, i remember her getting cards for any occasion. Sometimes she would even make her own cards from scratch paper but she really had a skill for picking out funny cards. I am terrible at it.