Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Pet, pets, pets!

Kacie LOVED animals. She had so many of them throughout her lifetime. Above is a picture of the puppy, Boris, kacie and Jeff got in Texas. The photoshop hearts and text was put on there by Kacie. Then there is a photo of Royal sleeping on Kacie's laptop. 
I remember when Kacie first moved back to Maryland she had a pet fish that she said Gary had bought for her. I think its name was Charlie... I am not sure. It was a white fish.
Then she had Margo (who now lives with Vince). She got Margo as a little kitten. I know there are some pictures of her somewhere. One famous one was a polaroid and it says Baby Margo on it I believe. When she moved to Chatham Gardens in Ellicott City she wasn't allowed to have cats but me and her tryed to devise a way to hide Margo in her apartment. We went out and bought Tint for the windows and we also bought all kinds of wood to make a shelf that would go on the back patio. The shelf would block anyone from seeing her in the sliding glass window.  After all of our hard work... it didn't pay off. Someone spotted Margo somehow so Kacie had to give him to Vince. Then Kacie was really sad and lonely. She would talk about how hard it was to not be able to live with another living thing. So one day as impulsive as Kacie was ... I get a phone call at like 12 noon on saturday or sunday. Kacie is laughing hysterically and telling me she just bought a ferret... I was like what?? Yes she bought the ferret. A little girl ferrett that she ended up naming Olivia. Then someone saw the ferrett haha. So she had to get rid of the ferrett. The lady she gave the ferrett to is a whole other long story I will share again soon.

Please share your Kacie animal stories with all of us :)


Rissy said...

I was with Kacie when she got Royal. We went down to the humane society off of Old Annapolis Road in Columbia. At the time, we were living in our townhouse in Columbia with crazy Kathy. Kathy had her dog there who we both thought was pretty annoying, so we decided we were going to get super-cool cats.

When we got there, the lady showed us a little kitten that she said was a real cuddle-bug. His name was Teddy, and he would soon become Royal, named after Royal Tenenbaum from one of Kacie's favorite movies. The minute Kacie held Royal, he just snuggled up with her and she was in love. When we took him home we used to take turns putting him inside out sweatshirts, with his little head poking out the top.

Then when I got my cat the fun really started! She and Royal were best buds, and one of my favorite photos is of the two of them laying together on one of the big old ugly chairs we had in our apartment.

Although Kacie adored Royal, she'd always get annoyed with him because he really WAS a cuddle-bug...he never left her alone! and he makes a weird chirping sounds that is very un-cat-like. I miss that little stinker.

Anonymous said...

Gus! I remember when Kacie got Gus and she brought him EVERYWHERE. She was the first one to have the small dog accessory. Gus was pretty much all Kacie talked about... If he wasn't with her when we were hanging out... she was talking about how she missed "little Gussy"...
I also remember Chloe getting out on Hilton Head one night when we were hanging out in the garage playing some ping pong. (Kacie was really good at ping pong, I'm sure Dad has good stories about that as I remember she said they played against each other since she was young).
I don't remember if we ever found that little rodent (Chloe).
I also remember that big sweet dog of the family's that would find his tennis ball NO MATTER where you hid it!
And I always remember the story about how Kacie became a vegetarian after visiting a petting zoo...

Gary New said...

When we were living in Woodbine, Md., Kacie had a small green snake named Wrappie. She called it that because whenever you grabbed it, it immediately wrapped around your arm. Wrappie was eventually released in the woods near our house because he or she would not eat the crickets that we fed it.

amanda said...

Somehow I always slip into the Kacie voice when I'm talking to my puppy who is also named Boris. I didnt even notice I was doing it until my sister it out.

I also remember how Kacie and I used to call cute boys at school "puppies" Everytime one in particular would walk by she'd go "awww puppy!"

Jeff said...

Boris was a riot. I wish I could have kept him but he was just too much. He was a really nice dog but I just couldn't teach him to stop biting. The minute you started petting him he would start knawing on your hand like it was a rawhide. Kacie called him "Bory" and would scream at the top of her lungs in a really high pitch scream every time he would bite her. She had read somewhere that this helps stop the bad habit. He just looked at her really confused for a second and then just keep biting.

Kacie was really sad in Texas and it was only a matter of time before we got a puppy. At the time, Kacie was really into French Bulldogs. She would call them "Frenchies." We hunted and hunted and hunted some more for an affordable Frenchy somewhere in Texas but they were really rare and cost anywhere from $1200 - $3000. We knew this wasn't going to happen after our indulgent cruise we had just taken. So we decided to give a good home to a puppy at a local pet rescue. Somehow we found out about this lady that lived in a farm house out in the middle of nowhere, west of San Antonio. This lady provides a home to many dogs and they can just run around free on all of her land. When we got there, she had a dachsund mix mother with a bunch of little rottweiler looking puppies. We really liked the way rottweilers looked but knew that our apartment wouldn't except them. This was our chance, this puppy definitely looked like a rottweiler he may have had that color from being part dachsund. We had no idea what other breed this dog was but I think he was part tasmanian devil. Our apartment knew about Royal but we never told them about Boris so we were always on a top secret mission to take him outside. It was definitely difficult because people would always want to pet him and he would bite the crap out of them. The people would just give us this look like "I am going to report these kids to the leasing agent."

One great thing about Boris is that he was pretty good about not running away. Kacie and I would let him run on his own in the park and he was great at fetching. He had more energy than I have ever seen. He would chase a chew toy and bring it back for as long as I could handle it but still never get tired.

Kacie was really sad and I could tell she was crying when I called her to tell her I gave him away. I wish I could have kept Bory in the family so we could have another token of her memory. She really liked him even though he was a little devil. I have more pictures of kacie and bory together back home on my computer. I will post those when i get back.

Jeff said...

I just remembered that Kacie would put Bory on my face when I was sleeping. That was a real rude awakening having that little guy chomping on your face in the morning