Friday, June 27, 2008

two short memories...

   Did anyone else ever have the pleasure of watching Kacie wash a sink full of dishes? I have seen Kacie wash quite a few dishes in all her different apartments... most didn't have dishwashers. By the time Kacie was done washing dishes she would have to change her clothes because she would be soaking wet for being such a sloppy dishwasher. Whenever I would come over her sykesville apartment I would sit in her window seat while she washed dishes or made us fried egg beaters or ground turkey or tofu. God, what I would do just to sit there one more time with her.
   This also is kinda a funny memory... but I will say it anyway... Does anyone else remember how many times a day Kacie had to pee? She always had to pee. I use to call her "camel" because I didn't know where she was storing all that liquid. haha


Gary New said...

Kacie must have had a tiny bladder. Long trips in the car were an absolute nightmare with her. If we weren't stopping for her to pee, we were rolling down the windows to deal with the flatulence.

Nancy said...

Yes!!! How can i forget. She was always, always going to the bathroom. On road trips, Gary always could not believe how many times she wanted to stop at the rest stops.. and...

You're so right, she was always messy, even when she was cleaning up. I got to see that Sykesville apartment, that one was adorable, think that was one of her favorites.

Nancy said...

Yes!!! How can i forget. She was always, always going to the bathroom. On road trips, Gary always could not believe how many times she wanted to stop at the rest stops.. and...

You're so right, she was always messy, even when she was cleaning up. I got to see that Sykesville apartment, that one was adorable, think that was one of her favorites.

Rissy said...

thats how she and i first bonded!!!!

amanda said...

Drives home to South Carolina for the holidays would always take us at least 4 hours longer than when I drove myself because of all the pee stops, about one every hour. But, God were they so much more fun with Kacie!