Sunday, August 3, 2008

better copies of the pictures

Here are some clearer versions of our photos. 

I don't think Amanda and I were too happy with the saloon one...i look like im 40 and she just kept saying "they didn't get my good side!" natalie, of course, looks lovely. but it was the experience that mattered anyway. we made sure we were all packing some serious heat.

As for the photo booth shots...I LOVED THEM! all 3 strips turned out to be hilarious. this one is mine...hopefully natalie and amanda will get theirs up here so you guys can see. 

...and I have a tiny addition to natalie's jetty story...

...we ate breakfast on the beach today, and while we were eating this one seagull (there were tons around, but only one was doing this) started hopping toward us. He had this funny little walk and every few seconds he'd take another step closer. At some point we realized that this bird was actually approaching us, not just hopping around randomly. We got up and threw our food away and the bird sort of settled into the sand a few feet away. Natalie asked me if i believe in reincarnation and i said yes...then she said "maybe that seagull is kacie." it was a nice thought, and i jokingly said that if it was kacie she probably would have been ripping the food out of our hands. We made our way to the jetty after that and amanda and natalie went all the way to the end...just like the night before, I was terrified, and only made it about half way before i chickened out. as I was standing there, i saw the seagull start hopping toward the jetty. this bird actually got up onto the rocks and was hopping from rock to rock all the way out. It passed me and kept on going toward amanda and natalie. I turned around and when I looked back, I had lost it....but I found it really interesting that the bird seemed to follow us that distance, even after food was out of the picture. It's a nice thought to think of kacie sitting with us on the beach having breakfast. 


Gary New said...

Interesting but Kacie would not have followed you when food was no longer in the picture.

Nancy said...

Thank you, thank you for posting the pictures. They turned out great. I hope you guys had a good time and felt closer to Kacie just by being there. I know Kacie loved seagulls.

I wish we could have been there with you.