Thursday, December 11, 2008


Kac, Things are just not the same without you.
Mom and Dad

1 comment:

Natalie said...

It sure isn't. Can't believe it has been 9 months. I found a piece of artwork Kacie made for me the other day while cleaning out my art studio. She made a collage for me for my 23rd birthday in 2006. I will scan it in and post it. It was one of my first birthdays away from her since she had moved to MD. She was living in Texas at the time and sent it in the mail to me. On the back of the piece of art it reads "Natalie, Happy Birthday. I love you. -Kacie" She also dated 06 in the corner. She also sent me a package of fancy hot chocolate in the mail with a card saying she was sorry she would send me something more when she had more money. I remember when her birthday came around in October I wanted to surprise her and come visit her in San Antonio. I tried sending secret emails to Jeff so we could plan my visit. She must have had some sort of 6th sense and she managed to crack the code to Jeffs email and spoiled the surprise. I didn't end up coming to visit on her birthday and I think it was in November when she moved to Sykesville. I remember for her birthday I sent her a bag of her favorite coffee from Bean Hollow in Ellicott City. I think I sent something else... but I don't remember. I think her favorite coffee there was either the house blend or gretchen's grind. She liked to mix it up sometimes.