Saturday, December 6, 2008

A Difficult Project

Nancy and I have been thinking about this one. Let's try to put together a list of all of the places that Kacie has worked, starting with the Coastal Discovery Museum on Hilton Head Island. I hope this website is big enough. And let's do it in chronological order.

And if that isn't difficult enough, let's put together a chronological list of all the places that Kacie has lived!!!!!

Natalie, you're gonna have to be our main resource on this one.

1 comment:

Rissy said...

well she worked at medieval time i think in 05 or 06? ( and hated it!) and Roots in probably 03 or 04.

As for housing, I remember her apt in Chatham when I met her, so that would have been while we were working at Roots. And we lived together in Columbia right after she started at Medieval Times, and only about three months later we moved to Catonsville until about the time she and Jeff got married. And I know there was a second round in Chatham, and then of course, Sykesville and Mimi's. I think that's the best I can do!