Monday, December 1, 2008

Ocean City Visit

Today I visited Kacie in Ocean City. The weather was decent. It was about 54 outside and there was no rain like the previous day. When I got there, the first thing I did was engrave Kacie's initials into the rock she was standing in the OC pic Natalie took of her. The jetty was really cold because it was windy and there was water splashing all over me, getting me drenched. I tried to get her initials done as soon as possible because it was getting pretty dangerous to be out there. After I did that, I just spent sometime standing on the rocks a little further back and facing south towards some clouds above. I had been thinking about what my visit was going to be like and imagining that I would talk to her for a little while. When I was standing there, I didn't really know what to say. Maybe because it feels kind of funny talking and not knowing if someone is listening. I eventually just said "I just want to know that your'e happy." Immediately when I said that, a perfect hole broke in the cloud and the sun shined directly on my face and making my entire body warmer. I snapped a couple pictures so I could remember that incredible moment. I don't know if it meant anything but I like to think it did. What are the odds?

After that, I decided to go buy some flowers and spread them out over the different places we spread her ashes. I also walked the boardwalk a little as well.

Anyways, the pictures (and video) are below including the one with the sun shining through the clouds. Enjoy...


Natalie said...

Thank you so much for posting all these pictures and most importantly the video! That was really wonderful. I have many pictures I took of the jetty myself but the video is totally different. I will probably watch that little video from time to time when I just want to remember what its like there. I wish I could have gone with you but had to stupid work. It sounds like we all are having some spiritual experiences with Kacie when at the jetty. Thank you again for the video.

Mid-Life Thoughts said...

Hi Jeff,

I totally believe that was Kacie letting you know that she is happy and doing okay. What an awesome message. A circle in the dark clouds to let the sunshine through and touch you on the cheek. I am sure Kacie wishes she could do the same. She was very lucky to have you in her life, don't ever doubt it.

Hope you are all doing okay and had a great Thanksgiving.

Kathy - Natalie's Mom

Nancy said...

your pictures are just great, and your experiences amazing. I cant wait to go visit her again as soon as i can. The picture on the jetty with the sound of the waves is unforgettable. thank you!!!

Jeff said...

Thanks everyone, these posts are really nice. This is really difficult to go through and I am so glad we can all stay close and remember Kacie together.