Saturday, December 6, 2008

in response to a difficult project

Well.... well... well.... this is quite the task. I am not sure about Kacie's work history prior to moving back to Maryland. However... I can tell you once she moved back...

1. Roots Market  Clarksville, MD
2. Origins Columbia Mall- Kacie and I worked here together and we quit together at the same time too.
3. Riverside Coffee shop- Columbia, MD & Ellicott City, MD
3. Babysitting (haha) Lisa might know exactly where these were. She watched kids for several different families and I remember one of the kids was autistic. Kacie use to tell me some crazy stories about that one.
4. Midevil Times- Arundel Mills Mall
5. Bed Bath and Beyond- She quit this job on the first day.
6. Secret Shopper- Kacie did this job for a while. Going around shopping and then filling out surveys online. It ended up not being really worth it for the pay.
7. In Texas she had a couple different jobs Jeff would know these- Twin Sisters resturaunt? An advertising agency
8. Nordstrom
9. Claratin sales rep
10. Monoprint or monograph I think it was called. This was the job she was suppose to be a project manager and they mislead her. It was the last job she had. 

I am pretty sure there are some more I am forgetting.... I will have to think about this one for a while.

Places she lived.... (after moving back to MD)
1. Chatham Garden Apartments- Ellicott City, MD with Shannon (then Shannon moved to Utah briefly)
2.In between Chatham and MeadowLane she spread her time out living at Mimi's house and Jeff's apartment in Catonsville
3. Meadow Lane Apartments- Catonsville, MD- First lived with me after I moved out Lisa moved in with her
4. Another lapse living with Mimi briefly I think
5. Chatham Garden Apartments again- this time she had the place to herself. They didn't allow pets. After trying to have Margo and them finidng out she had to give Margo to Vince. Then she tried getting a ferrett which they also found out about even though we put tint on all the windows. I believe they told her she had to move out because of her animal problems.
6. perhaps another move in with Mimi
7. Townhouse in Columbia with Larissa and Kathy- correct me if I am wrong Larissa but didnt this only last a couple months??
8. Mount Ridge Apartments- Catonsville, MD- with Larissa "Roomates! Roomates!"
9. San Antonio, Texas
10. My Apartment in Sykesville, MD- Main Street
11. Mimi's again for a few weeks
12. Her own apartment in Sykesville, MD- she was there for about 6 months roughly. I decided to move to the city and so Kacie decided to move too and save some money.
13. Back to Mimi's house. 

I am pretty sure this list is accurate in chronological order... However exact years... I am not sure about all that. If anyone remembers something else or differently please chime in.


Jeff said...

Okay, so prior to moving to Maryland back '02 I think, and following her job at the Museum, she worked at Hallmark, then Barnes and Noble (both at the same time). Then I believe she quit Hallmark all together and just worked at B & N. After that, both her and I moved from B & N to Starbucks. I can't remember at what point she started working for the Bagel place but she worked there too. Something tells me I am missing something but I think that is it for Hilton Head.

As for the Texas jobs, she worked for Twin Sisters which was a block from our apartment and the owner was a raging (expletive). Kacie made some friends there but her boss was constantly hassling her and making sure no one was stealing anything. After that she worked for Santikos movie theaters in the marketing department. The pay was insulting. It seemed that they lead her on a little as well, telling her she would be the primary "idea" person for their marketing and instead they gave her envelopes to seal to pass the time. She did get her feet wet with marketing a little though. She was able to provide ideas for their radio commercial supporting their new IMAX theater here in San Antonio.

Oh and she also worked for a weight loss place in downtown Baltimore, did you already mention that?

Jeff said...

Now that I mentioned it, she used to tell me about her coworker at Santikos. The marketing office was across the street from one of their theaters. Her boss would bring a giant bag and bring Kacie to walk over to the theater and fill the entire bag up with popcorn and Kacie would sit in amazement as she chomped on that all day long. I guess the good thing about that job though is we got into movies for free all the time.

Rissy said...

hahahaha. yes, natalie, the kathy situation ended very quickly. After kathy decided that she wanted to move back in with her parents, our landlord refused to transfer the lease to mine or kacie's name because he couldn't stand us. Keep in mind that that was only because we actually wanted him to fix the things that were wrong with the house, god forbid.

And I loved the roommates song!!! kacie sang it all the time!

Nancy said...

Wow, what terrific memories you guys have.

She was so excited when she got her first real job at Hallmark. I think she had just turned 16 and they started her at $10 an hour which was great at that time. That's also about the time she met Jeff, who worked next door at Barnes and Noble.

She always had so many funny storeis to tell about all her jobs
and all the places she lived. Can't forget the ferret story.

I'll never forget her poem about
Chanceford Road. That's a classic.

Thanks for all the time you put into the list.

I would love to hear the lyrics of the Roommate song!

Natalie said...

Jeff... you are right about the weight loss clinic... I forgot about that one. It was a medical weight loss clinic and it was pretty boring she said and didn't pay too well. But it was right by my house at the time when I lived in Hampden so we often would get together on her lunch breaks.

NancY... The lyrics to the roomates song... and Larissa I am sure you are the only one who can truly answer this... but if I remember correctly the ONLY lyrics to the roomates song are "Roooooomates! Rooooomates!" over and over again haha.

Rissy said...

hahaha, yes. those were the only two words!

amanda said...

Ooh! I remembered a good one!
IHOP on Hilton Head.
Erin, Jeanine, Stephanie Jones and Kacie all got jobs there right when it opened.
We were all so excited about it. I think Erin and Kacie lasted the longest there. Everyone else stayed about a week.

Jeff said...

Yes, IHOP!. I knew I was forgetting something. Kacie was a real trooper there. I remember they made the waitress say "Sir, may I speak" when asking the cook for an order. Kacie told me they also added water to the ketchup bottles to make it last longer. Gross.

And the orange juice. Kacie was so funny when she told the story but when they were training, they made Kacie put on a huge fake smile, nod their head and say "would you like some orange juice with that." It was hilarious to see Kacie do that.

Gary New said...

Incredible job. We can't add anything.

Vincent said...

i guess to make the list correct between #3 & #4 on natalie's chronology of places kacie lived, kacie lived at my apartment in meadow lane for about two weeks, but couldn't take the summer heat with no air conditioning.

Vincent said...

also as far as employment kacie worked at starbucks on rt. 40 across from her apartment when she lived in chatham apts. for the second time.

Anonymous said...

Kacie would def tell the funniest stories about her babysitting ventures! She nannyed for Trey, the little boy across the street from my parents old place. I don't remember the name of the little autistic boy she took care of, but wow, she had some crazy stories about that job! She had to give him baths, and this one time, he #2ed in the tub and decided he was going to fingerpaint the whole bathroom. Kacie called me freaking out cause she wanted to leave, but I think she actually cleaned it up! The parents always adored her though, and for not particularly liking kids, she was really really good with them.

Natalie said...

Yeh Kacie told me another story where she left the autistic kid along playing video games and all of a sudden she heard him screaming and she came up stairs and he had like slid down the stairs in his own poop and wiped it all over the walls. This time she did NOT clean it up. She called the parents and was like ummmm yeh your gonna have to come home. hahah. I don't blame her. I would have done the same thing. I remember her saying the mom told her there was some cleaning stuff under the sink and she was just like... yehhhh no. I think that may have been one of the last times she watched those kids.