Thursday, July 3, 2008

4th of July

Just thought I'd share a short memory about a 4th of July I spent with Kacie. When we were living in Columbia, we decided to go check out the festivities down at Lakefront. We considered walking down there from our townhouse, because we expected parking to be horrible, but we decided it was too far and drove. I think we ended up parking somewhere in the mall, but I can't really remember. 

Anyhoo, long story short, Lakefront was complete chaos! there were sooooo many people there that we decided to just go back home and see if we could find a good view of the fireworks from our house. Vince was with us, and when we got home, we convinced him to see how easy it was to climb onto the roof, so that we could sit up there and watch. I wish I could remember the specifics of that endeavor...but all I remember is, it didnt work. I think he may have actually gotten up there, but it was clear Kacie and I were not going to be able to do it. 

I only remember bits and pieces of that day, like so many days I spent with her, but as always, the memories I have are great.


Jeff said...

I remember working at Tomato Palace on 4th of July. This was our busiest time of the year. Kacie came and visited me with some friends while I was working. I can't remember which friends she came with but the year had to have been 2003. She really liked Lakefront.

Natalie said...

i remember this... i think i was there?

Rissy said...

i cant i said, my memories of that day are just bits and pieces. :(

Vincent said...

i don't recall natalie being there, but i remember that day. lake front was packed! we did park at the mall because i remeber walking back to someones car after leaving lakefront. i don't believe i actually managed to make it up on to the roof, it looked a bit too difficult and i didn't think it was worth a trip to the hospital.