Thursday, July 24, 2008

Kacie In Black

I had this dream last night.

Myself and several people were standing around Kacie's car early one morning. We knew that she would come to the car because it was a weekday and she had to go to work or school. When I saw her walking to the car, I yelled "here comes my daughter." Kace was dressed in black slacks with a black top. Her hair was cut rather short and apparently she had just gotten out of the shower because her hair was wet. Her face was expressionless as she got into the car. We all called her name but she simply looked straight ahead and never glanced our way. I watched her drive away and continued to call her but she never looked back.


Natalie said...

kacie use to have to wear all black when she worked at nordstom's.

Gary New said...

Hi Natalie,

I hesitated to post this dream. I was depressed the next day because of this. But, I think it's important to post our dreams whether they're good or bad. Kacie was dead and expressionless in my dream. I saw her as I last saw her in the hospital. I can't get through the day without reliving my experience in the hospital. On rare occasions when I experience a degree of happiness, I immediatley flash back to the hospital experience. Hopefully, with time I will move on. It bothers me that Kacie never speaks to me in my dreams. Maybe it's because we were not very close as she grew older. This explains why she is very young in most of my dreams and will not speak to me when I see her as an adult. Hopefully, time will change this.

Jeff said...

I am glad you mentioned your bad dreams Gary. Only because it seems like these are the only dreams I have had of her in months and I am not sure what to think of it. The ones you explained sound exactly like mine. There was one day where I woke up for no reason half way in to my sleep schedule and had all I could think about was Kacie in the hospital the day of her death. After that, I couldn't sleep for the rest of the day. It is really frustrating because I remember talking a lot about moving on and keeping busy but it is hard when images like these are the only thing going through your head all day every day.